Order Hasn’t Arrived

What to Do if You Order Has Not Arrived

Check Whether Your Order Has Been Sent

Keep in mind that sellers have seven days to send (postmark) a shipment after a purchase is paid.

Check Average Shipping Time

Once the order has been sent, we ask buyers to keep in mind that shipping across country borders can take longer than expected. If you feel your shipment has been in transit for too long, please check our Shipping Costs calculator, which provides, as part of its calculation, an average delivery time between two countries.

Contact Seller

If you have any questions or concerns after following the above steps, politely message the seller with your questions for a quick and simple solution.

Shipment Returned to Sender

There are several options buyers and seller have if a shipment isn't picked up or is returned to sender for any reason. First, and best, the seller can send the item again without the buyer needing to make a new purchase. If the shipment is already marked lost, the buyer can still confirm arrival as normal when the newly sent shipment arrives.

Alternatively, cancelling the order is an option if both parties agree. In this case, the seller should refund the agreed upon sum and let the buyer confirm arrival. This is not against the rules and is another way to handle the situation if sending the order again isn't in both party's best interest.

Report Lost Shipment

If your shipment hasn’t arrived 30 days after it was sent, you can mark the shipment as lost. At this point the seller has the option to refund your order. For tracked shipments that haven't arrived and are lost, sellers are responsible for filing a claim at the post office before requesting a refund from Cardmarket. As part of the claim, sellers must declare the shipments' content as "Toys".

Cardmarket Is a Peer-to-Peer Platform

You aren’t buying from us and we don’t have all of the smaller details about your shipment available to us. The seller is your best resource for information on your order when a tracking number isn’t available. Because of this, if you and the seller reach a solution to an issue with your order, we will honor that agreement. If a seller doesn’t respond within 72 hours, or if you cannot agree on a solution, please contact our customer support to help resolve the issue.