Event Sponsorships
Cardmarket loves to engage with the competitive TCG community, and the best way and most consistent way for us to do that is by sponsoring your events! In the past, it’s been difficult to know how to contact us and what to ask for when looking for our sponsorship. This page will help to fix that. You’ll find details on the kinds of events we sponsor, what we expect from TOs, and what we provide in prize support, on top of all the terms and conditions of accepting an event sponsorship from Cardmarket.
If you’d like to apply or you have related questions, please fill out an application in English. All European events are eligible but applications must be filled out in English. If you have any other sponsorship-related questions, please email sponsorships@cardmarket.com.

Eligibility Criteria
- Minimum of 100 participants at your event.
- Your event must be located in Europe.
- Your application must be sent at least six weeks before the event.
- Only events featuring active Cardmarket games1 are eligible.
- Weekly or Regular LGS events are not eligible.
- You can only apply for one event in one application.
- Online-only events and/or online gameplay are not eligible, even if players still physically attend the event.
- Cardmarket must be able to verify your event2.
1 An active Cardmarket game is a game on Cardmarket that is still being produced and sold.
2 We verify events through social media, outside coverage, websites, etc.,.